Artistic Approach
“Through the creative process, I want to illustrate the transition from one place to another, from one state to another. All these people we meet over the years remain in us like footprints in orbit somewhere between our soul and our spirit. Living and dead people live without distinction in these blurry places between dream and reality, between the inner and outer world.”
The pictorial approach countervail between figuration and abstraction. Slightly ghostly figures are staged in urban and imaginary territories and all evoke the spirit of transition, travel and transformation.
“The objects and figures cultivated by Laberge are suggestions or vague conceptions rather than definitive elements: the subjects of these works exist on a plane between reality and a dream, leaving a myriad of interpretations open to the viewers.”
– ARTisSpectrum, The Chelsea Perspective, Volume 26, Chelsea, NY
“Phantom-like shapes and figures float through Canadian artist Marc Laberge’s paintings, haunting and enthralling.”
– Agora Gallery, NY